KAS was founded by enthusiasts and all of them are working voluntarily since its birth.
There are many initiatives, projects, and work which is contributed by many of our team members and it will not be fair to not mention their contributions. Here is it;
Karachi Astronomers Society website
First developed in 2010 by Abubaker, later revamped in 2012 by Abubaker and finally this new website developed by Abubaker Shekhani in 2021. The content was written and populated by Zain Ahmed and Abubaker back in 2010-2011. Then later it was maintained by Sajjad Ahmed.
KAS events management
The whole KAS team has been managing and leading KAS private and public events since 2010.
KAS Solar Astronomy Project
In 2016, KAS launched KAS-SAP (www.solar.karachiastronomy.com) inspired by Charles Bates Solar Astronomy Project. Special Thanks to Sajjad Ahmed.
Brand Identity – KAS Logo, T-Shirt, Cards, Stickers
Special thanks to Mr. Adnan Shekhani who re-designed KAS logo in 2011 and suggested KAS tagline. Special thanks to Mr. Adnan Shekhani for designing the T-shirts in excellent quality. We thank our patrons Mariam and Adnan Shekhani for graciously giving us the brand identity that has carried over for a decade.
KAS Rutjuga Project
KAS has been doing Rutjuga for a long time and for that we’ve developed a dedicated website in 2016 www.rutjuga.com. Special thanks to Sajjad Ahmed and Abubaker Shekhani for developing and maintaining it.
KAS Social Media Management
Since 20o9 Core team members of KAS are managing Facebook page and handling KAS facebook group. Special thanks to Mehdi Hussain, Zain Ahmed, Imran Rasheed, Abubaker Shekhani, Sajjad Ahmed, Ebrahim Haq, Ramiz, Shahbaz Alvi for continuous efforts of managing KAS page.